Top Anti-Aging Rejuvenation Procedures of 2022

Who doesn’t want smoother, more youthful-looking skin without the cost, downtime and side effects of cosmetic surgery? 2022 has been an exciting year as we helped our clients minimize the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, acne scars, spider capillaries, age spots, fibromas and other skin imperfections. If you take a look at our before and after photos, you will see the variety of ages, backgrounds, and styles of clients we have had the pleasure of working with. Nothing makes us happier than seeing our client smile and get excited and more confident about their appearance! Here is a recap of top skin rejuvenation procedures of 2022.

Thermoclear For Skin Imperfections

Thermoclear is booming lately - and with good reason. This non-invasive procedure employs a low-frequency energy which can improve the appearance of numerous types of skin irregularities. These skin imperfections include small Spider Capillaries, Cherry Angiomas, Milia, Acne and Skin Tags. Thermoclear can also treat Sebaceous Hyperplasia, Fibromas, Cholesterol Deposits and Sun Spots / Age Spots. ThermoClear is suitable for darker skin tones and all skin types, and requires virtually zero downtime. 


Microneedling is a procedure that taps into the body’s natural healing processes to lessen and even correct skin blemishes, wrinkles, scarring, and other skin damage. Microneedling is technically known as a form of collagen induction therapy. This multi-purpose treatment targets everything from acne scars to hair loss. The minimally invasive treatment can be used all over the body—from scalp to ankles—to improve the appearance of scars, boost collagen, or encourage hair growth. Microneedling is also a standard treatment for fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, and stretch marks. Our clients in Oakland love the results from microneedling and we don’t see this trend slowing down in 2023.

Plasma Pen Skin Tightening With Fibroblast 

The Fibroblast plasma skin tigthening is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure that causes no cuts to the skin. With the ability to improve everything from skin texture to tone, it’s a great option for women and men looking to embrace a visibly more radiant visage. Thanks to its resurfacing ability, fibroblast skin tightening is used as a treatment for acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and skin laxity, among other skin concerns. Fibroblast has the potential to improve the overall tone and texture of skin as well as boost collagen production, creating a firmer, healthier, younger appearance. Worried about stubborn areas that tend to be an issue as we age, such as crows feet and “turkey neck?” Firbroblast can help with all of these, and more. 

What’s In Store For 2023?

We can’t control the future. Beauty trends come and go (those of us with overplucked eyebrows from 1990s still remember). But a radiant, youthful look is always in. Our lifestyles are hard on our skin: we get sun spots, age spots, scars, and the inevitable loss of collagen due to aging. Fortunately, the latest in cosmetic skincare technology is here to help. Book your skin rejuvenation treatment now, and enjoy the benefits of smooth, radiant skin in 2023!


Aging Hands: Common Cosmetic Concerns and Top Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Procedures