ThermoClear Skin Treatment in Oakland, CA
LV Aesthetic is offering ThermoClear skin treatment in Oakland, CA. ThermoClear utilizes a non-invasive technology which treats a variety of skin conditions. ThermoClear works on all skin types and tones, including sensitive skin. If you are interested in improving the appearance of skin imperfections, you may find this skin treatment system to be just what you were looking for!
What Is ThermoClear Treatment?
ThermoClear is a skin treatment technology developed by the company ThermoClear USA. It employs a low-frequency energy which can improve the appearance of numerous types of skin irregularities. ThermoClear is the latest innovation from manufacturers who have developed medical spa equipment for over 20 years. At LV Aesthetic, we are thrilled to be able to offer our clients a new and highly effective method of dealing with skin irregularities.
ThermoClear for Skin Tags, Spider Capillaries and More
ThermoClear can be used to improve the appearance of many different skin irregularities, such as small ‘spider’ capillaries, cherry angiomas, milia, acne, sebaceous hyperplasia, fibromas, cholesterol deposits, skin tags, sun spots, age spots, and more.
‘Spider’ capillaries: These broken blood vessels can occur all over the body but are most common on the face and legs. Often caused by sun exposure, heavy drinking, or facial bruising, ThermoClear can ease the appearance of these capillaries.
Skin tags: Also known by their scientific name, acrochordons, skin tags are harmless flaps of tissue that hang off the skin. Click here to learn more about skin tag removal
Milia: These sweat gland clogs are often confused for whiteheads, but cannot be popped and are in fact keratin-filled cysts. Rather than risking tissue damage by trying to extract milia, come to LV Aesthetic so we can treat them with ThermoClear. Click here to learn more about Milia removal
Xanthelasma: Yellowish growths that often occur on or around the eyelids, these are cholesterol deposits that accumulate under the top layer of the skin and typically will not resolve themselves. Xanthelasma can be an indicator for hyperlipidemia (high levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, or other fats in the blood).
DPN: Also known as dermatosis papulosa nigra, these dark or skin-colored bumps on the face, neck, and upper torso can worsen with age. While harmless, they can be seen as unsightly by some who would prefer to have them treated.
Cherry angiomas: These common skin growths are red in color and typically caused by either friction or age. They are also known as senile angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots.
Sebaceous hyperplasia: This is caused by a disorder of the sebaceous glands, that makes them enlarged and produce flesh-colored or yellowish shiny bumps on the face.
Benefits of Using ThermoClear
Like a plasma pen, ThermoClear uses low-frequency energy to clear skin, offering long-term relief from skin irregularities. ThermoClear is suitable for darker skin tones and all skin types. It does not necessitate large amounts of additional skin care: the process only causes minimal scabbing and affects only the top layers [epidermis] of the skin. ThermoClear treatment causes minimal discomfort and is very fast. The energy is only applied to the affected area or lesions.
ThermoClear Before and After Photos
See our before and after pictures of skin treatment results to find out how effective ThermoClear USA treatments are.
ThermoClear Treatment Post-Care
ThermoClear offers a fast-acting solution to common skin issues. However, as with many skin treatments, there is a post-care period in which recipients need to be cautious and avoid exposing their treated skin to harmful stimuli.
All clients who receive ThermoClear will experience slight discomfort and irritation that can last for a few hours. Crusting and slight scabbing may appear for up to a week after treatment. There are steps you can take to minimize side effects, reduce the chance of infection, and gain optimal results:
Don’t rub or put pressure on the treated area
If your capillaries or nose area was treated, don’t blow your nose hard
Avoid extremes of temperature
No exercising, saunas, pools, or tanning for at least 24 to 48 hours
No makeup for at least 24 hours
Do not rub, scratch, or pick the area treated
To wash the area, cleanse with a mild cleanser, splash on cool water and pat dry – do not rub!
After cleaning, let the area dry for 5 minutes before proceeding with the aftercare provided to you (which will usually be a pink bottle called Caladryl)
Cleanse twice a day and apply the aftercare twice a day on dry skin for 24 hours; if specified, continue with the topical antibiotic
Avoid exposure to UV light (both sunlight and sunbeds) and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen (e.g. SPF50 or higher) for 12 weeks, to avoid hyperpigmentation/hypopigmentation; reapply sunscreen every two hours
If you smoke, cut down on cigarettes: it affects blood supply to your skin, which will slow down your healing process
Do not remove the scabbing
Different treatments will take different lengths of time to heal. We may recommend different aftercare products depending on what was being treated.
Sun spot treatments heal over a period of 7-14 days. We generally recommend Caladryl for aftercare use in these cases.
Similarly, capillary treatments take the same amount of time and also benefit from Caladryl.
Cherry angioma treatments are also handled in the same way.
Skin tags/DPN also take around the same time to heal, but we typically recommend either Bacitracin or PolySporin.
Cholesterol deposits take between 14 and 28 days to heal, and can generally be treated with Bacitracin or PolySporin.
Milia are another form of skin growth that take 14-28 days to heal from after ThermoClear treatment. In these cases, we recommend using Caladryl for the first 24 hours, followed by Bacitracin or Polysporin afterwards, if needed.
ThermoClear treatment for sebaceous hyperplasia also typically takes 14-28 days to recover from. As with milia, we recommend Caladryl initially, then Bacitracin or PolySporin if needed after the first 24 hours.